
Klementyna Bednarczyk


Dentist, graduate of the Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław.

In his daily medical practice, he mainly deals with conservative dentistry with an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry and endodontic treatment. It also performs preventive treatments and safe teeth whitening. He is eager to work with children.

In her work she is guided by attention to detail. She approaches patients with commitment and empathy, tries to understand their needs and explain the course of treatment in detail. She always makes sure that visits are conducted in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.

She systematically participates in trainings and courses on current standards in dentistry.

Leczone choroby:
Próchnica, Ból zęba, Choroby miazgi, Nadwrażliwość zębów, Przebarwienia zębów, Kamień nazębny, Choroby dziąseł

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