
Filip Michalak


Filip Michalak, a specialist in dental surgery, is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the Piasts of Silesia Medical University in Wroclaw. In 2023, he received the title of specialist in dental surgery, and is currently continuing his scientific work by pursuing a doctorate in the same field.

In his daily practice, Filip Michalak applies the latest trends and available treatment methods. He successfully performs implant procedures, both simple and more advanced, requiring additional procedures, such as bone augmentation, sinus lift or preparation of the alveolar process for implants. Each time, he strives to select the optimal treatment plan and present all options for restoring patients’ beautiful, natural smiles. After surgical treatment, he carries out prosthetic restorations, using digital technologies that ensure precise fitting of the restorations.

Filip Michalak regularly participates in dental conferences, trainings and conventions. He is constantly improving his skills at certified courses, excelling in prosthodontics and surgery.

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