Dental surgery at Dentaxo Wroclaw is a range of surgical and dental services, including tooth extraction, root tip microresection, frenectomy, gum plication and alveolar augmentation procedures. If you need the intervention of a dental surgeon, make an appointment at our clinic and get rid of your problem!
Dental surgery is a set of services requiring surgical intervention in the oral cavity. If you are struggling with tooth pain or gum disease, downplaying your current condition will only worsen your current situation. Avoiding a visit to the dentist is the worst solution, which will only increase the intensity of the pain. At our clinic, you can count on the empathy of our specialists and anesthetics to make any surgical procedure painless for you.
Do not be afraid and make an appointment with our dental surgeon.
Dentysta Wrocław | Dentaxo - klinika stomatologiczna 66 opinii Google Joanna Kędziora09/09/2024 Super 😍 Paweł Pająk04/09/2024 Super 👍👌 Danuta Kaźmierczyk02/09/2024 Wizyta super, miałem nagły przypadek i przyjęto mnie błyskawicznie. Polecam gorąco.👍 Krystsina Ihnatovich01/09/2024 Robiłam czyszczenie zębów u higienistki Tatiany. Wszystko zostało wykonane bardzo profesjonalnie! Tatiana bardzo uważnie, dokładnie i bezboleśnie usunęła nawet najbardziej uporczywy osad z zębów! Na pewno wrócę! Julia Stypińska28/08/2024 Bardzo dobrze wykończony budynek, modnie i nowocześnie. Wszystko jest pod ręką i na miejscu 🙂 Bardzo polecam zabieg higienizacji u Pani Tatiany, został wykonany bardzo profesjonalnie, dokładnie i delikatnie. Piękny efekt końcowy, serdecznie polecam klinikę Dentaxo ☺️ Dodatkowo bardzo ładnie wykończona toaleta! Grzegorz Pietrzak27/08/2024 Bardzo dobre podejście do pacjenta, wytłumaczony każdy etap leczenia, transparentne przedstawienie kosztów, zwracają szczególną uwagę na komfort podczas wykonywania zabiegów, byłem kilkukrotnie pytany czy wszystko jest w porządku, szczerze polecam. Emilia Zubkowicz23/08/2024 Dziękujemy za wizytę. I przepraszam że panie musiały zostać po godzinach pracy.
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Dental surgery is a branch of dentistry specializing in the treatment of the oral cavity, particularly the teeth, gums and related structures. This branch of dentistry, offered at our clinic, includes many surgical procedures to repair, restore function and aesthetics of the oral cavity.
We provide dental surgery when standard dental treatments are not sufficient or when there is a need for more advanced, invasive treatment.
Tooth extraction, also known in the language of dentists as extraction, is a procedure that involves removing a tooth from the mouth. This procedure is sometimes necessary in cases of severe tooth damage, accumulated decay, crooked teeth, orthodontic problems or infection associated with inflammation.
Gum plasty aims to correct the shape, level and appearance of the gums. Plastic surgery is used to improve the aesthetics of the smile, reduce excessive gum lining (known as a gummy smile) or reconstruct gums around damaged teeth. By precisely reshaping the gum tissues, gum plication improves the aesthetics and harmony of the smile while protecting the oral cavity.
Frenectomy is a procedure to reduce or remove the frenulum, which is nothing more than the soft tissue that connects the lip or tongue to the gums or palate. In the case of a frenulum that creates problems, such as impeded tongue mobility or extreme lip tension, it is possible to improve the patient’s function and comfort through an uncomplicated surgical procedure.
Root apex microresection, also hidden under the term apicotomy, is a surgical procedure used in cases of infection or failure of previous root canal treatment. The procedure involves removing a portion of the tooth’s root apex and the tissue around it affected by painful inflammation. The process helps remove the infection, infestation and inflammation, while preventing further spread of the infection, preserving the natural tooth.
Dentaxo at Sports Medic clinic
Galeria Victor
ul. Dokerska 2a, 2nd floor
54-142 Wroclaw