Treatment of bruxism Wroclaw
Schedule your bruxism treatment at Dentaxo dental clinic in Wroclaw! At Dentaxo, we prioritize professionalism, experience and passion. Our dentists are qualified specialists who know their craft very well and take care of our patients’ needs with full commitment and empathy.
What is bruxism and what are its symptoms?
Bruxism, commonly referred to as “teeth grinding,” is a pathological condition that involves the unconscious clenching of teeth. It is estimated that nearly 20% of the world’s population suffers from this condition, and bruxism itself is classified as a disease of civilization, as the number of cases is steadily increasing. It usually affects adults, between the ages of 18 and 45, but it also occurs in children.
In many patients, bruxism produces no symptoms, which is why it is so hard to diagnose. In others, it causes damage and abrasion of the teeth, recurrent inflammation in the jaw, facial muscle tension, changes in the appearance of the jaw, and headaches.
Stressful lifestyle is believed to be the main cause of bruxism
Scientists to this day have been unable to determine what so exactly causes the disease, but among the possible factors are:
- depression;
- overproduction of cortisol, the stress hormone;
- work-related stress;
- malocclusion;
- oral diseases;
- magnesium deficiency;
- Poor diet and reflux;
- mandibular degeneration;
- alcohol and cigarette abuse.
Treatment of bruxism Wrocław - who should benefit from it?
Bruxism is a disease that affects both adults and children. It occurs during the day (daytime bruxism), but is much more likely to become active during sleep, when we unconsciously clench our teeth (nocturnal bruxism). If you notice the following symptoms, don’t wait and make an appointment to see a specialist:
- You feel tension in the jaw muscles and pain in the jaw area.
- You suffer from chronic headache and temple pain.
- You have noticed that your teeth have become more sensitive.
- You have difficulty when eating while biting and chewing your food.
- The appearance of your jaw has changed.
- You have observed problems with sleep and concentration and experience chronic fatigue.
In particular, children should opt for bruxism treatment to stop pathological developmental changes in the teeth, jaw and jaw.
Bruxism should not be underestimated, as untreated bruxism can lead to serious health complications, necessitating costly dental procedures.
What is the treatment of bruxism at Dentaxo in Wroclaw?
The treatment of bruxism in children and adults requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines psychological help, relaxation exercises, massage and manual therapy, and the help of a dentist. Recently, the injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) has become popular; it relaxes the jaw muscles and reduces the force with which the patient clenches his teeth.
Dental treatment of bruxism is based on:
- the use of relaxation splints - they keep the jaw in proper alignment, relax the jaw muscles, and can be used during the day as well as at night;
- strengthening enamel, prevention in the fight against decay and correction of malocclusion;
- wearing night guards - they protect the enamel and reduce stress on the jaw;
- special caps for teeth - the dentist makes them based on a cast of the patient's teeth, so they fit better, are more comfortable and protect more effectively against bruxism symptoms.
Dlaczego warto zdecydować się na leczenie bruksizmu?
By undertaking bruxism treatment, you will take care of your health and prevent permanent changes, including damage to the temporomandibular joints and malocclusion. You will protect your teeth from damage, and protect your enamel from abrasion, which will help fight tooth decay and tooth sensitivity. You will reduce pain in the jaw, jaw and facial areas, as well as morning headaches. You’ll improve the quality of your sleep and get effective rest, which will help restore cognitive brain function and proper concentration.
Benefit from the knowledge and experience of dental specialists and make an appointment at Dentaxo in Wroclaw.
The dental clinic in Wroclaw you've been looking for!
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A little more about dentaxo
Our Dental Clinic located in Wrocław is a place where patients can receive comprehensive dental care at the highest level. The clinic’s offerings include all areas of dentistry, from diagnostics to treatment and dental surgery. Our goal is to provide each patient with a healthy and beautiful smile.
We support our patients at every treatment stage, using state-of-the-art technology, including microscopes for root canal treatment. Teeth whitening is performed using innovative methods to achieve aesthetic results, without exposing teeth to damage. The office is equipped with advanced tools to help us take care of our patients’ oral health.
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Galeria Victor
ul. Dokerska 2a, 2nd floor
54-142 Wroclaw