Take advantage of the orthodontic offer at Dentaxo in Wroclaw. Improve the comfort of your life and smile without restraint having a beautiful smile. Our orthodontists specialize in treating malocclusion and treating misaligned teeth. Make an appointment for a consultation and take care of your health!
If you notice bite problems in yourself or your child, it’s a good idea to go for an orthodontic consultation as soon as possible. An abnormal bite can lead to many health problems, such as tooth decay, gum disease and temporomandibular joint problems.
Symptoms that may suggest the need to visit an orthodontic office include:
It is also worth remembering that early diagnosis and treatment can prevent more serious health problems in the future.
At Dentaxo, we specialize in the comprehensive treatment of malocclusion, tailoring the treatment plan to the individual patient’s needs.. Our clinic offers solutions for both children and adults.
The goal of treatment is not only to achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance, but above all to improve oral health. Our experienced orthodontists in Wroclaw use modern methods to help cure malocclusion in a safe and effective manner.
Our patients at Dentaxo orthodontic office in Wroclaw are offered various types of braces for effective treatment of malocclusion. Among the available options are fixed braces, which are the most common, and removable braces.
Orthodontic trays, which are transparent and nearly invisible, are also becoming increasingly popular. The choice of braces depends on the specifics of the bite problem and the patient’s expectations. At the first visit we discuss the assumptions of the braces and choose the most suitable solution.
Orthodontic treatment at Dentaxo begins with a detailed diagnosis, which includes. X-rays and 3D CT scans, which allows an accurate assessment of the patient’s bite and dentition. Based on this, the orthodontist develops an individual treatment plan, taking into account the needs of the patient and the expected treatment time. The first visit is also the time to discuss the assumptions of the braces and set a date for their installation.
The entire treatment process is monitored regularly to ensure the best results for patients. Our orthodontic office in Wroclaw is a place where you can count on professional care and comfortable treatment conditions.
A healthy and beautiful smile is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also the health of the entire oral cavity. Untreated malocclusion can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and dental problems. That’s why it’s so important to visit the orthodontic office regularly.
Our team of specialists at Dentaxo in Wroclaw offers a wide range of orthodontic services tailored to the individual patient’s needs. With modern treatment methods, we make sure that the treatment time is as short as possible and the results are long-lasting. Zadbaj o zdrowie i zaufaj ekspertom, którzy pomogą Ci cieszyć się zdrowym, pięknym uśmiechem przez wiele lat.
Dentysta Wrocław | Dentaxo - klinika stomatologiczna 66 opinii Google Joanna Kędziora09/09/2024 Super 😍 Paweł Pająk04/09/2024 Super 👍👌 Danuta Kaźmierczyk02/09/2024 Wizyta super, miałem nagły przypadek i przyjęto mnie błyskawicznie. Polecam gorąco.👍 Krystsina Ihnatovich01/09/2024 Robiłam czyszczenie zębów u higienistki Tatiany. Wszystko zostało wykonane bardzo profesjonalnie! Tatiana bardzo uważnie, dokładnie i bezboleśnie usunęła nawet najbardziej uporczywy osad z zębów! Na pewno wrócę! Julia Stypińska28/08/2024 Bardzo dobrze wykończony budynek, modnie i nowocześnie. Wszystko jest pod ręką i na miejscu 🙂 Bardzo polecam zabieg higienizacji u Pani Tatiany, został wykonany bardzo profesjonalnie, dokładnie i delikatnie. Piękny efekt końcowy, serdecznie polecam klinikę Dentaxo ☺️ Dodatkowo bardzo ładnie wykończona toaleta! Grzegorz Pietrzak27/08/2024 Bardzo dobre podejście do pacjenta, wytłumaczony każdy etap leczenia, transparentne przedstawienie kosztów, zwracają szczególną uwagę na komfort podczas wykonywania zabiegów, byłem kilkukrotnie pytany czy wszystko jest w porządku, szczerze polecam. Emilia Zubkowicz23/08/2024 Dziękujemy za wizytę. I przepraszam że panie musiały zostać po godzinach pracy.
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Dentaxo at Sports Medic clinic
Galeria Victor
ul. Dokerska 2a, 2nd floor
54-142 Wroclaw