Conservative dentistry Wroclaw

Conservative dentistry at Dentaxo Wroclaw is a range of dental services, including treatment of tooth decay, cavities, tartar removal and tooth sandblasting. Bet on prevention and prevent disease and tooth loss due to poor oral hygiene.

List of treatments

When is it a good idea to visit a dentist for restorative dentistry?

Lack of prophylaxis, improper oral hygiene and diet is a simple way to various problems with teeth and gums. And it is prevention that allows you to enjoy healthy teeth for years to come and broader health. Remember that a visit to the dentist should be scheduled at least once or twice a year, depending on your genetics and lifestyle.

This approach will protect your teeth from tartar, decay, cavities, as well as unnecessary pain and suffering. If your dental visit was more than 6 months ago, it’s a good idea to do it right now. Make an appointment at our clinic and take care of your health.

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Conservative dentistry at Dentaxo Wroclaw

Do you realize what is your greatest treasure that you own? Your health! And one of the key elements of taking care of it is regular check-ups with your dentist, which is known as prophylaxis in restorative dentistry. This makes sense even when everything is fine, but let’s not forget that it’s prophylaxis that plays a huge role in preventing serious oral problems and diseases. Making a dental appointment when you are experiencing tooth or gum pain is far too late an intervention.

So why is it a good idea to visit the dentist regularly? First of all, it is the dentist who can identify potential oral problems and diseases at an early stage that you may not feel or notice at all in the moment, assuming that everything is fine. Some problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease, can develop unnoticed by us until they become serious and painful. Regular check-ups allow us to detect such problems early and take appropriate corrective action before they require more advanced and costly procedures. Well, and unfortunately, whose presence will be manifested by pain, often so severe that no painkillers available in pharmacies will help in its anesthesia.

Secondly, preventive dentistry is also an effective way to avoid many unpleasant ailments. Did you know that neglecting preventive care can lead to chronic toothaches, inflammation of the gums or even tooth loss? These are just some of the negative consequences of neglect. For this reason, regular visits to the dentist make sense, as they allow you to monitor the condition of your oral cavity, while removing tartar, plaque or minor stains that have accumulated on your teeth since your last visit to the dentist.

I na koniec najważniejsze. Pamiętaj, że stomatologia zachowawcza ma korzystny wpływ na Twoje ogólne zdrowie, a nie wyłącznie jamę ustną. Istnieje wiele badań naukowych potwierdzających związek między stanem zdrowia jamy ustnej, a różnymi schorzeniami, takimi jak choroby serca, cukrzyca czy problemy z układem oddechowym. Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby dbać o higienę jamy ustnej i regularnie odwiedzać stomatologa, który pomoże Ci utrzymać zdrowie na długie lata.